Unlocking fast, safe, sustainable operation of Li/Na-ion batteries using material innovation

We are a new academic research team based in Chicago- looking to connect our discoveries and understanding from fundamental inorganic chemistry, physics and nanoscale synthetic techniques to solid battery electrolyte innovation, and subsequent deployment.

A passion for fostering the next generation of scientists

The PI’s highly interdisciplinary training and work experience facilitates forming scientific connections across seemingly disparate fields of science and engineering. In addition, the PI has an extensive mentoring experience with students from Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering respectively. Find out more about the latest happenings in research, conference activities, recruiting and more by choosing the gallery items below!

Innovative approach to battery material design

The fusion of extensive expertise in wet colloidal chemistry, combined with focused application-oriented projects relating to some of the society’s most challenging energy problems.

Read more about research projects.

Published work

Dissemination of the research projects in peer-reviewed high impact factor journals.

Read more about journal publications.

Conference Activities

Progna is grateful to be supported by the CAS Future Leader program award for support to present her work at the American Chemical Society‘s National meeting every year through 2022. She also presents her work at the Material Research Society and the American Physical Society.

Read the full list of conferences attended.

Project Collaborations

We welcome collaborations from researchers from academia, national labs and industries if you find our research exciting! Please contact Progna directly by email.

Join us!

Interested in contributing? See detailed information about multiple openings and instructions!

An array of resources

Our department is surrounded by multiple research-focused universities, alongside a DOE National Lab facility in the suburbs.

Collaborations in ChicagoLand

  • My group will utilize the user facilities (CNM, APS) at nearby Argonne National Laboratory.
  • My group will be working in joint projects with faculty from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Connect with us!

  • For enquiries from undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students and scholars interested in joining us, please refer here for detailed instructions.
  • For collaborations, please email Progna at pbanerjee@luc.edu
  • Visit us at Flanner Hall, LUC, if you are a current student and wish to drop by during office hours or group meeting

“You must be ready to give up even the most attractive ideas when experiment shows them to be wrong.”

Alessandro Volta

Physicist, inventor of the electric battery